Business Radio Licence Management
With all radio solutions except license-free radio, you require a fully managed license, giving you access to the radio spectrum.
This licensing is vital, as interference can render even the best-designed system completely useless. The Office of Communications (Ofcom) are responsible for the management of the radio spectrum to ensure each system receives a high quality of service and will not suffer from significant interference leading to failures.
If you use a radio system for business use, you will require a technically assigned business radio license issued by Ofcom. Business radio users range from taxi drivers to schools, from industry to golf courses. The licensing process can be intensive for some, with technical specifications that require very specific details which, if entered incorrectly, can lead to enforcement notices with severe consequences. 2CL can offer assistance in the application completion and even manage your Ofcom Business Radio License for you so you can rest assured your spectrum use is legal and managed for you.
Allow 2CL to Manage your Ofcom License
With Ofcom Radio Management from 2CL, the license remains in your name but allows us to be a ‘third party’ on the licence. As a ‘third party’ 2CL will receive copies of all Ofcom notices on behalf of your company, allowing us to arrange for the payment of all due licensing costs and associated queries. We would also hold details of all licenses and associated frequencies centrally on your behalf.
Even if you don’t want us to manage your license, we can send you free reminders to make sure you don’t get caught out! Click here for more.
Got more questions? Take a look at our Ofcom Licencing FAQs
To get in touch please call 0800 389 2278 or email