Motorola Chargers
Motorola’s IMPRES Line of charging accessories, coupled with relevant software such as IMPRES Fleet Management enables radio system administrators to manage user’s batteries remotely, and monitor systems for early signs of failures.
We can provide any option from simple, single unit, to multi-unit chargers with LCD displays, from travel chargers with in built lighters to IMPRES chargers that fit into vehicle cup holders.
For more information please call the 2CL sales team and ask for more details.
Carrying Solutions
In addition to Motorola’s extensive range of carrying accessories, with our network of third party suppliers, we can include such features as ‘Klick Fast’. With years’ of experience, genuine Motorola Carry Cases have been tried and tested in the field.
Carrying solutions have been designed to enable hands free operation and have been manufactured from top-grain leather. They are designed to withstand harsh and variable conditions, as well as prolonged use.
Cases are available in a variety of sizes to fit various radio and battery options, and developed so that audio can be clearly heard.
With a robust leather carry case and belt loop, the radio unit can be fixed to a belt, avoiding drops and thefts. In this configuration an audio accessory can be used for individuals who have to work long shifts, and to have their radio close at hand at all times.

Motorola Batteries
The basic Motorola battery is a Nickel Metal Hydride 1400mAh battery, which will provide around 10 hours of use. The highest capacity battery uses Lithium Ion Technology and offers up to 27 hours of battery life.
Motorola have also developed their own battery management technology, called IMPRES, which can supply the user with a real time status update of the battery life and also improve prolonged battery life with intuitive reconditioning cycles. With IMPRES Fleet management tools, radio system administrators can monitor real time battery life and functional state of every battery, remotely, without the need to physically see the battery.
Contact us for more information.
Certain models of radio can also provide the option for a vibrating belt clip. When users need discreet operations, with high levels of functionality, the DP4000e series of radios give users silent notifications to the belt clip.

Motorola Audio Accessories
Motorola’s audio accessories range including earpieces, headsets, remote speaker microphones, Bluetooth and alternative wireless solutions. Integration with specialist kit such as firefighter equiptment, is, as with all Motorola accessories possible.
The D-Type earpiece has a small PTT button with built in microphone that can be clipped to a collar. (PMLN5096B)
A more covert alternative is the acoustic tube style earpiece, which also has a small collar clipped PTT, available in various colours they are ideal for security radio users. (NNTN8459)
A remote speaker microphone is the perfect solution for users in loud environments, especially if users prefer not to wear an earpiece. This features a microphone/speaker combination that can be worn on lapels or pockets. They are a robust solution suitable for use in construction, petrochemical and mining industries. (PMNN4024A)
Tactical style headsets provide features such as bone and throat microphones. These are small, lightweight and discreet (PMLN5974A) or heavy duty, noise cancelling and robust (PMLN6852A).
There are multiple options available from 2CL. If you would like to discuss any of the above or have a specific issue that you need a bespoke solution for, please contact us.

Hytera Chargers
Battery and, in parallel, charger technology is continuing to improve. With more features being made available the market has developed intuitive technologies for the real time interrogation of battery information.
We can offer a variety of solutions from the simple, single unit charger, to multi-unit chargers that have LCD Displays, from travel chargers with cigarette lighters to chargers and car kits that fit into your vehicle.
For more information please call the 2CL sales team and ask for more details.
Carrying Solutions
Some users prefer to wear their radio on their belt, others prefer to carry their radio with a strap and carry case. Alongside Motorola’s Extensive range of carrying accessories, with our network of third party suppliers, we can include features such as ‘Klick Fast’.
Hytera Carrying solutions have been designed with public service staff in mind. Carrying solutions have been designed to enable hands free operation and have been manufactured using top-grain leather and designed to withstand harsh conditions and prolonged use.
Cases are available in sizes designed to fit your radio and battery option, and developed so that audio can be heard clearly.
With a hardwearing leather carry case and belt loop, the radio is fixed to the user’s belt, avoiding drops and thefts. In this configuration an audio accessory can be used for individuals who have to work long shifts and need their radios to be easily available at all times.

Hytera Batteries
Battery Capacity is calculated using a duty cycle of 90/5/5. This means the radio is idle for 90% of the time, transmitting for 5% and receiving for 5%. This is the basic model for battery life calculations, and may not be necessarily representative of your organisations’ radio usage.
Contact us if you need help, we can use our experience to ensure you get the relevant battery to suit your needs.
The basic Hytera battery is a Lithium-Ion Battery, which will provide approximately 10 hours of use. The highest capacity battery uses Lithium Ion Technology and can offer up to 15 hours of battery life and can also improve prolonged battery life with intuitive reconditioning cycles.

Hytera Audio Accessories
The audio accessories range that we offer from Hytera is vast. There is a range of devices that includes earpieces, headsets, remote speaker microphones, Bluetooth and other wireless solutions. We can also integrate accessories with other specialist equipment, such as firefighter equipment. The 2CL Communications team has a wealth of experience in catering for every individual’s requirements, making sure that you have the correct audio accessory for your needs.
Earpiece selection is varied and we offer a multitude of different models and styles to meet our client’s specific requirements.
We can provide a D-Type earpiece, with a small PTT button that has a built-in microphone that can be clipped to a collar. (EHN20)
If a more covert alternative is requires, the acoustic tube style earpiece, again with a small collar clipped PTT, available in a variety of colours, is ideal for security radio users. (EAN22)
If the microphone is to be used in loud environments, but the user doesn’t want to wear an earpiece, there is a palm microphone/speaker combination, which can be worn on lapels or pockets. This offers a more robust solution suited to construction and petrochemical and mining industries. These come with a 3.5mm audio socket on to which a listen only earpiece can be connected to, for greater security and privacy. (SM26N1)
Tactical style headsets offer a wide range of features, including bone microphones and throat microphones. For loud environments, the heavy duty, noise-cancelling headsets provide users with a safe, reliable communication system. (ECN21).
If you would like to discuss any of the numerous options available from 2CL, or feel you have a situation that you are struggling to find a solution for, please contact us.