Ofcom Licencing

The Office of Communications (Ofcom) are responsible for the management of the radio spectrum in the UK to ensure each system receives a high quality of service and will not suffer from interference leading to failures. 2CL can apply for or renew your Ofcom licence on your behalf, saving you the paperwork and the worry.


Do I need an Ofcom licence?

If you use a radio system for your business in the UK, you need to hold a valid, in-date Ofcom licence. This ensures that the operation of your radios is legal, and that you experience minimal interference.

Are there any exceptions?

Unless you are using licence-free radios – usually small, low-power radios – you are required by law to hold a licence.

What kind of Ofcom licence do I need?

Most business uses will fall under Simple UK Light or Simple Site Light, which cover local on-site communications. These both cost £75 for five years. If you are using a wide variety of business radio equipment you will need a Technically Assigned licence. You will need an Area Defined licence if you are looking to cover a wide area. Costs can vary for these licence types.

What happens if I don’t have an Ofcom licence?

If you are caught operating a radio without a valid Ofcom licence, you can face a large fine or even jail time. You will also experience a lot of interference on your radios.

Taken from an Ofcom Notice of Licence Revocation: It is an offence under Section 8 of the Wireless Telegraphy Act 2006 to establish, install or use wireless telegraphy stations or apparatus without a valid licence. On conviction, the maximum penalties for an offence under that section are two years’ imprisonment and an unlimited fine. 

How do I apply for an Ofcom licence?

You can apply directly for a licence on Ofcom’s website, or if you’d prefer, 2CL can apply for a licence on your behalf. This means we can do all the paperwork for you and will receive copies of all Ofcom notices sent to you, but the licence remains in your name.


Need further advice, or want us to manage your licence for you?

You can email contact@2cl.co.uk or call us on 0800 389 2278.

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